Thinning the herd...

The recent crop of movies that have been released, specifically this summer, have actually not been to bad. I am looking forward to going to see the Bourne Ultimatium and Superbad, but like anything else in life you have to take the bad with the good, and there has been more then enough of that in the past few months to make us wonder who makes these decisions. There are many many get the idea...more movies put out now than there were in the 60's, 70's and so on, and as a result the general overall quality has slipped. True, the improvements in technology have allowed films to look better, and get more adventurous with the CGI and effects, but this doesn't necessarily make the movie great. So here's a thought for those producers in Hollywood, instead of giving all your friends and relatives a break, go by what they actually bring to the table, judge the quality of their work alone, make less movies, and make sure you produce only the best. You will still make money and be able to afford all those fancy extras you are used to but now you will have the added benefit of public respect for producing quality work. Though you don't care about that do you, the money is what counts for you guys isn't it...oh well, one day I may come knocking, here's hoping you'll listen to reason...

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