Every Dog has his day...

By far one of the strangest stores of the year has to be the Michael Vick dog fighting scandal. And seeing as how he is pleading guilty, I can talk about him without fear of a lawyer coming after me, unlike Barry Bonds, but anyway I think it is a sad situation that he has got himself in and pleading was the right thing to do, admit that he was wrong go serve his time and hopefully start setting a better example for the community upon his release. The gambling issue had the league concerned but they were not betting hundreds of thousands of dollars on these dogs, so there was no risk of him throwing any games for such small amounts. The fact that they were getting dogs to fight in the first place is unsettling, and so they will be punished. I don't feel sorry for Vick, and this doesn't make him the worst human being on the planet, but it was certainly in bad taste and bad judgement on his part to become involved in this, in any respect no matter how little or deeply he may have been behind it. let this be a lesson to us all that no matter what, animals being used for profit will not be acceptable...

1 comment:

Aaron Sadhankar said...

Yeah but zoos are cool...