HD - The way to be...

Cheesy title, I know...but that doesn't change the fact that it's true now does it. I recently hung out at a buddies house and watched a bunch of BlueRay movies and played some X-box 360 on his HD projection TV. While I know that this set up is not affordable for all, even a run of the mill HD set up is far superior to the analog or even regular digital cable. The picture, sound, everything is incredible and totally brings you in to what you're watching. Planet Earth, the BBC series is spectacular in it - to quote Aaron - HD glory. Weather in 720, or 1080, it looks incredible, near sensory overload at times, and is well worth the investment. While not that many films are yet available on HD or BluRay format, it will be worth the wait for those wanting to purchase them. So, to my buddy Casey I say thanks for the good times, and to those wondering what it's like, I urge you to find out for yourself.

1 comment:

cli23 said...

long live HD WEEK 2007!!!! Man, can't wait til our next one (can anyone say August?)